Messages from the Universe with Laurie Wondra

Opportunities - What I Know

June 24, 2024 Laurie Wondra Season 6 Episode 302

We are in a time of opportunity, as most have been clearing out old energy and creating space for new versions of themselves or new chapters in their lives. It is what we’ve been waiting for, but when the opportunity presents itself, we might not see it as an opportunity.   

Opportunity can be overwhelming. It can be scary, challenging, and most of the time, not what you expected at all. Sometimes, we get so fixated on what we want that we don’t give breathing room to other options. 

If you believe you are in a time now that you are healing wounds, healing ancestral wounds, correcting balance over lifetimes, and completing contracts and agreements - this would mean you are also open to receiving all those things that you’ve been asking for.  Dreams, wishes, and desires.  Those things you have been working on…. possibly over lifetimes.  There is no time in the universe – is it possible that if you asked for something or worked on something from a past lifetime, it might show up now? That’s an interesting thought - but why would it NOT be possible? 

Things I do know about navigating through this time. 

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When opportunity comes it’s too late to prepare……  John Wooden

We are in a time of opportunity as most have been clearing out old energy and creating space for new versions of being, or new chapters in their life.  It is what we’ve been waiting for – but when opportunity presents itself, we might not see it as opportunity.  We get wrapped in the drama of I have so many options I don’t know what to do.  Which one do I pick.  The universe really doesn’t like stressful energy.  Think how you might respond to someone that is stressed, with imaginary arms flaying in a panic state. You’d back off right? That might just be what the energy of the universe does – it backs off or it continues to apply pressure in the hopes you will feel the energy of movement vs the energy of panic.  

Opportunity can be overwhelming.  It can be scary, challenging and most times not what you expected at all.  Sometimes we get so fixated with what we want that we don’t give breathing room to other options. 

If you believe you are in a time now that you are healing wounds, healing ancestral wounds, correcting balance over lifetimes, completing contracts and agreements - this would mean you are also open to receiving all those things that you’ve been asking for.  Dreams, wishes, desires.  Those things you been working on…. possibly over lifetimes.  There is no time in the universe – is it possible that if you asked for something – or you’ve been working on something from a past lifetime, that it might show up now? That’s an interesting thought - but why would it NOT be possible. 

Sometimes I feel we tend to focus on the pain, struggles, challenges, and frustrations, and this vibration tends to hold us in this vibration.  Lower vibrations are harder to navigate away from – it is possible once you begin to shift how you look or feel about the situation – you can vibrate away from it. 

The universe is abundant, it is always providing options, ideas, thoughts and methods to accomplish what is aligned with our soul plan.  Saying yes to what the universe offers is important.  

I know some of you listening might be thinking at this moment – how can I possibly say yes to it all.  That might be true – what I might suggest is that you prioritize and say yes to all, and yes, but not right now to those things that are lower on the prioritization list. 

This might be hard as some people don’t like outstanding lists.  Knowing you have something lingering to do can create stress for some – so that is learning to say yes, but not now.  It’s better energy then saying NO – unless it is something that you know you do not want.  But when you are unsure it is a softer energy.  More peaceful to the soul and the human experience.  

Things I do know –

Living in flow is much easier than living out of flow or in force.  It’s too much energy when you are constantly pushing on something that is not moving. The universe will help you when you respond to what is aligned to your journey plan.  So  If you can give it a little push and that is enough for some momentum, with the universe giving it it’s push, you can be well on your way.  But if you find you are giving it a push and there is no momentum and it’s just not moving – well you are on your own and it possibly doesn’t have the vibrational frequency that is aligned to your vibrational frequency. 

Everything is energy – including us – so if something is not meant for us it will pass us by, it’s frequency will not align with ours and there will not be a match. 

1.       You are responsible for your own happiness.  No one can make you happy.   You make you happy. Happiness is an internal vibration.  Others can contribute to your happiness by their interactions with you, or around you, or they might bring our that vibration of happiness, but you have to have the foundation and frequency to vibrate to the vibration of happiness.  That is an internal thing, and it starts with you.  Depending on another to bring you happiness or create that vibration of happiness will eventually deplete them.  We bounce our energy off another.  When two unlike frequencies meet the will eventually become one – by either the high vibration lowering itself, the lower vibration elevating, or by the 2 vibrations moving away from each other.  

Studies show that a positive thought brings your vibration up 10 megahertz. One megahertz is the equivalent to one million hertz. Your ultimate goal is to have your body vibrating on the emotional scale between 500 Hz and 700 Hz consistently.   

The vibrational frequency of anger is 150 and falls to contraction.  When we experience frustration, our brain initiates a complex cascade of neurological and physiological responses.  The amygdala, (a·myg·da·lae )the brain's emotional processing center, becomes activated, triggering the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline

2.       The majority of your limits are self-imposed.  You will have physical limits, that may be fixed – ie your height, some things may be modified like weight, hair color, eye color, vision that are temporary because you have a fixed point – and you will have emotional and mental limits. The biggest question is what is changeable.  Your your emotions, and mental process – how you feel and what you think are changeable, and they can be changed permanently – in fact they will change over time

If or when you feel stuck it is to ask what I can change about this situation.  Is it changeable.  If you are a NO person, you might be inclined to blurt out – NO – absolutely nothing about this situation is changeable – but there is something changeable -   HOW you feel and think about what you are experiencing – THAT is changeable.  That is shiftable and has the potential to being a bigger physical shift for you.  If the majority of your limits are self-imposed, then the majority of your breakthroughs can also be self-imposed.  Let the limitations force you to see another way and propel you to something higher, bigger, better. 

3.       You can never fully prepare for everything life will throw you

I am a planner.  I love to know what’s next, what to do next, where to be.  It’s how I was raised, it’s part of my DNA, and it’s part of my journey plan.  It took me a long time to learn I can prepare but I can also depend on life, my environment myself, that when things don’t go as planned – there is another plan. There is another way.  I have the knowledge, wisdom, drive and desire to figure it out. I won’t waste my time beating myself up on what went wrong with my plan, but I will direct my energy to understand to and to move forward.  When I was in my corporate role as an information technology leader, we’d deploy large complex software system.  Anytime there was something that didn’t go as planned, we’d gather to discuss lessons learned. We’d talk about what may have been preventable, and what simply was, and we had no way of knowing or planning for.  But we used it for learning. To quickly help move through so we could have closure and move on.  After large deployment we’d celebrate and during that celebration we’d also share what went right as well as what we’d do different the next time.  Sometimes in our everyday life we don’t pause to do that. When both my children were learning to drive, I enrolled them in a Street-smart driving class that was held on a driving course that was used to test for licensure to drive.  This organization would teach youth to drive-in real-life situation - water pooling the road, ice or snow on the road, how to break, turn and navigate under those situations. They would have crew throw a ball out onto the course to teach students to be alert, cautious and aware if a person were to run out in front of them. They had other tools to help mimic the sun shining them in their eyes.  This helped prepare for those things that are often learned on the street.  But in truth – we are always learning. I certainly felt safer and more secure, as did my kids when they’d drive in the snow or heavy rain – it gave them a leave of confidence.  Just enough so that they could move forward, but to also expect the unexpected.  As humans that is us - Expect the unexpected.  We can prepare for everything that might or may happen, and getting locked into thinking we can prepare for everything leaves us doubting our abilities that we are resilient and can resolve when we need to.  I believe the universe gives us opportunities to practice learning how to improve.  How to get better through things that did not go the way we expected.  

 4.       I also know that we will mess up. The best thing you can do is learn from it and move on.  Perfection is a perception.    Someone's perception of what is perfect, can be another person’s view of failure. As the human experience is to experience and learn through our experiences – we will mess up.  We’ll mess up with our actions or non-actions.  We’ll mess up with our conversations, our emotions, our beliefs.  But – we have an opportunity to correct those things.  We know once words are spoken, they cannot be taken back – but we can apologize.  We can have another conversation to heal, or conversations to educate, share, or evolve.   Everyone messes up. What you do at that point is the evolution. 

5.       You and your loved ones will not be around forever.   This means do the things you want to do.  Tell your loved ones you love them, Have the conversations, spend the time, sit and relax, take the trip, call the people you want to call, go for your dreams.  Stop what you don’t like or start what you do like. What are you waiting for.   Time is an earth element and as you are here on earth your time is limited.  What you do with that time is not. 

 6.       Use your voice.   Ask for what you want.  Sing, speak, write.  Allow your inner child and your adult self to express itself.   What have you wanted to say.  Who have you wanted to talk to, to reach out to.  What have you wanted to heal, where have you wanted to say – I love you.   Where have you needed to say – I need help, I don’t know how to do this.   Use your voice. Declare when enough is enough or you want more.  Recognize where you may have been too isolated, too stubborn, too proud or too fearful, or too independent.   Use your voice.  And practice as the first time you use your voice let go of the expectation or perfection of what it should be.  


At this time the universe is giving us the opportunities to live our best life.  To heal the past or understand it.   To heal ourselves, or to understand who we are.  We are completing and ending and creating space for new, better, different.   The exciting piece of this is that you are here now is this lifetime because your soul believed it wanted to be here.   There is purpose, design, desire to experience.  Not all experiences are loving, wonderful, joyful or even peaceful – but that too is what the soul understands it will experience.  There is balance in the universe so at times of darkness, we are reminded there is also light – look for it.   In times of frustration, there is also success – so acknowledge where you do have success.  In times of unsureness there is also clarity – so follow where the universe’s light is taking you.   In time of void – the universe fills in.  Let go of the past – let it be only a memory, Create the space for the universe to fill the void. 

I’m wishing much joy, peace, harmony and the light of the universe to shine on your path. 

I’m Laurie Wondra – thank you to all my global listeners.  I appreciate you. 

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