Messages from the Universe with Laurie Wondra
Gifted Shamanic Practitioner, Clear Channel, Psychic Medium, Business Intuitive, Author, and Public Speaker. Laurie Wondra has known of her abilities to channel Archangels, Ascended Masters, guides, healers and helpers of the Universe and people that have died since she was seven years old. She is a clear channel using her soul-age wisdom, intellect and divine connection with dimensional beings to bring us information. She has a background in Global Executive Information Technology Management, Leadership and Strategy, but today she uses her gifts to deliver messages that bring knowledge, direction, clarity and healing.
Messages from the Universe with Laurie Wondra
Mental Compass Adjustment for Navigating Change
Change is another form of Energy. Change can be a new job, a new home, or a new baby. It can be aging parents, retirement, health issues, or scares. It can be relationship endings, beginnings, or shifts, such as empty nesting. Change can be unexpected bills, rising costs of living, or unavailability of something that was a mainstay in your life. Change can be big or small, many or a few – but change happens, it's part of evolution. So why are we feeling it more?
We live change. We experience social change, environmental change, and economic change. Life is about how we respond or don’t respond to change.
Research shows that our brains are wired to resist change because it can lead to uncertainty. Change often leads to growth. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, helping us discover new strengths and perspectives.
Nothing remains at rest in the physics of energy, and we are constantly evolving. We are becoming more aware of change and how we respond to it, but what are ways to help us navigate how we approach change?
Listen as Laurie taps into the wisdom of the Universe on change, energy, and adjustments to our approach to change.
Thanks for listening -
For questions or comments email Laurie at Laurie@yourlifecore.com
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Welcome to message from the Universe where we get to hear from the wisdom keepers and guides and teachers of Universe as they share their insight and wisdom with us.
Navigating Change: Embracing Life’s Transitions
Welcome, where we explore the challenges and opportunities life throws our way. Today, we’re diving into a topic that affects all of us: navigating change. Whether it’s a new job, a relationship shift, or even a global event, change is a constant in our lives. But how do we adapt and thrive in the face of it? We are forever changing, and some have become experts at navigating change - perhaps change agents for others, but while our navigation systems are also changing how is this all working. In the midst of change, even HOW we change, and how we interpret change is changing…. Do we embrace change or are we change adverse?
Change can be a new job, new home, a new baby. It can be aging parents, retirement, health issues or scares. It can be relationship endings, beginnings or shifts, such as empty nesting. Change can be unexpected bills, raising costs of living, or unavailability of something that was a mainstay in your life. Change can be big or small – many or a few – but change happens, and change is another form of energy expression. We might feel time is speeding up – but I could say the level and rate we are experiencing change is also increasing. It can be internal or external - an internal change in how we respond to change – involving us or those around us - or external where the factors of the world are impacting us.
We live change – big or small each day as you age, you are experiencing change – cellular change. We experience social change, environment change, economic change. Life is about change and how we respond or don’t respond to it. How we see it to impact us, or not impact us. What tools we’ve gained, and what we know about ourselves. Everything is energy, and nothing remains dormant.
"First, let’s talk about what change really means. Change can be exciting, scary, or sometimes both. It can come from our choices, like starting a new career, or from circumstances beyond our control, like moving to a new city or a global pandemic.
Research shows that our brains are wired to resist change because it can lead to uncertainty. But remember, change often leads to growth. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, helping us discover new strengths and perspectives.
In the physics of energy, nothing remains at rest, and we are always evolving – so we are forever changing. That doesn’t sound very reassuring – but the universe does give us pushes for these movement and then again rest period for slower or calmer change. Maybe the change is so subtle that one day you look at something and ask how you got to this place… it’s movement so slow that you didn’t notice, and it wasn’t really disruptive, but nonetheless it was change.
Think of a time in your life when you faced change—what emotions did you experience? As you’ve aged or had more experiences in life, how do you find you face change? More embracing it? Do you face it with zest, fear, or fascination or dread…… oh boy here we go again.
I think for me personally I can sense change is nearing…. Something is up in the air and I might not be able to pinpoint it but I can feel or sense the winds of change. My compass gets activated. When I was younger, I would stress about not know what was coming, and the feeling of not knowing tended to create imbalance and sometimes for me to make a rash decision I really didn’t need to make. Over time I’ve respected my processing time, my compass and trust I’ll know what I need to know when I need to know it.
I’m more sure of myself in change – I might not know WHAT is changing but I know I’ll be able to handle it. This usually comes with more experience in change itself but also an awareness of your emotions, and your mental beliefs. The example for a shift in your mental compass is that you are aware of change and trust you can handle it. That you’ll be fine and adaptable, you won’t need to have all the details figured out because you trust yourself. Trusting you don’t have to have all the answers or solutions and sometimes it can be awkward, or even embarrassing….. IF you expect it to be something it is now. Be kind to yourself. The experiences are adjusting our mental compass and how we approach change. Our navigation systems are being upgrades. Our navigation systems are picking up the pathways that are under construction and therefore we need a new route. Maybe there’s congestion on our path, and the universe wants to show us a new path. Go with it! Trust.
Anytime we navigate change we go on this emotional journey. Our emotional compass engages and our emotions flair. The spinning of the dial of emotions can include fear, anxiety, excitement, and even relief.
1. Fear of the Unknown: It’s natural to worry about what’s next. Acknowledge this fear—don’t suppress it.
2. Anxiety: This often comes from feeling out of control. Strategies like mindfulness and deep breathing can help ground us.
3. Excitement: On the flip side, change can bring new opportunities and adventures. Embrace this feeling!
4. Relief: Sometimes change is a welcome escape from a situation that no longer serves us.
This is a time the universe gives us to assess and learn through our emotions, but most of us are thinking about our emotions – that would involve our mental compass. At this point we most likely are on auto pilot as to what actions to take that match that emotion.
If I’m feeling fear – but mental processes, do I have around fear – and I look at that pathway.
If I feel anxiety – what mental processes do I have and use when I’ve been in this situation before, what’s worked and not worked in how I’ve handled anxiety. Maybe I didn’t make any changes after the last time I felt anxiety, so every action is going to be based on what I did before whether it worked out or not.
If I’m feeling excitement – what have I done in the past, and perhaps with excitement because its’ a higher vibration, I might be open and feel safe to try something new or different.
And if I feel relief I also might take other paths and directions as there might be an openness for opportunity or to do something different.
Now these of course are only a very small number of emotions that we might feel, but these usually are a starting point – then we can layer other emotions on top of these foundation - Fear might add on survival and lack or destitution. Anxiety might add on overwhelm or numbness.
We layer our emotions as we are figuring out action and navigation through change. If you understand what you are feeling is not just one thing and be open to the multitude of layers you are feeling you will learn and you will have more options of pathways and actions to navigate through. You tap into more layers or your being for actions and outcomes.
As we navigate changes take time to feel how you are feeling. To acknowledge what you know to be true and those things that you don’t know to be true. The universe will help you fill in gaps of what you need and filter out useless information that you just don’t need to know or acknowledge. We often rush through or feel panicked in needing to resolve that we don’t pause to register the emotions and the mental processes we have tied to those emotions. This is what is changing now – or the universe is giving us the opportunity of changing our compass to still feel and understand our emotions but may act and take action differently. We are smarter- wiser and more mature in our solutions and we can tap into other resolutions. We have more choices than we have had in the past. We have more resources in our evolution to choose pathways that may be better for us. We have more involvement in our decisions. We have more options to reach out and ask for help – or to look for others expertise to help.
In Change there are some actional strategies that can help you navigate change effectively.
1. Acceptance: Acknowledge that change is a part of life. Surrendering to the flow of life can lead to profound spiritual growth.
2. Tune into Your Inner Compass: Take time to reflect on your core values. What truly matters to you? Let this guide your decisions.
3. Stay Connected: Reach out to your spiritual community, whether it’s friends, family, or a support group. Sharing your experiences can strengthen your connection to others.
4. Set Intentions: Instead of just setting goals, consider setting spiritual intentions. What do you wish to cultivate within yourself during this change?
5. Practice Self-Care: Prioritize your mental and spiritual well-being. Engage in activities that nourish your soul, like nature walks, yoga, or creative pursuits.
6. Embrace a Growth Mindset: View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow spiritually. Reflect on what the experience is teaching you.
7. Seek Professional Help if Needed: Sometimes, talking to a spiritual advisor or counselor can provide the support you need to navigate complex emotions.
Remember, everyone navigates change differently, so find what works best for you. Be open to new ways to navigate. Let go of the urge that you have to have all the answers, or you have to do what you’ve done in the past - and you might need to even let go of the feeling you are right and someone else is wrong. Resistance to change can make the experience more contentious, and painful.
Examples of where I may have navigated change.
Change is not just an obstacle but also an opportunity for spiritual growth and realignment. It is the natural order of energy. Everything vibrates and nothing stays the same. So, when you experience change can you embrace it, learn from it, and allow it to shape you into a stronger version of yourself.
You need to maintain hope – and trust in yourself - but hope is not a plan. It is an energy that supports a plan, or it can be the energy that holds you until the plan is clear.
Living intentionality that then can lead to a goal that then can lead to a plan.
Hoping for a goal, hoping for a plan or hoping is an action that is always out-there and not present and puts you in a state of forever looking into something in the future that might not happen, or may not be aligned with your path. Bring your life and your intentions to now and daily living. Take time to feel and know your emotions, and how you respond during an event, or how you didn’t respond. This is knowing you and learning from your experiences. Certainly, we can learn from teachers, mentors, books, and classes but our greatest teacher is ourselves, through experiences and assessment. We are smart. We know ourselves, and during a time of change, I believe it is the universe giving us the opportunity to know ourselves better. Do you think you know everything about yourself? The universe will give you all the opportunities to go deeper and add another layer of that knowing. That is evolution.
Once you see something about yourself, you will change it or embody it as useful or not useful. I can think of a few times in my life where I took time to assess who I was during a situation – was I my best version of myself or did I need to improve. We all have those moments, but the maturity and evolution is your willingness to look inward or blame outward.
There are changes ahead – be blessed and assess and you will learn navigation is not so difficult when you understand the tools you are working with.