Messages from the Universe with Laurie Wondra
Gifted Shamanic Practitioner, Clear Channel, Psychic Medium, Business Intuitive, Author, and Public Speaker. Laurie Wondra has known of her abilities to channel Archangels, Ascended Masters, guides, healers and helpers of the Universe and people that have died since she was seven years old. She is a clear channel using her soul-age wisdom, intellect and divine connection with dimensional beings to bring us information. She has a background in Global Executive Information Technology Management, Leadership and Strategy, but today she uses her gifts to deliver messages that bring knowledge, direction, clarity and healing.
Messages from the Universe with Laurie Wondra
Pondering the results of November - Plug In!
Is it the great awakening or a detour of progression? I admit surprise, shock, disappointment, and disbelief at the election results. My schedule has been filled with people wanting to know why and what it all means - what it will mean for our futures, their futures, the globe, and the future of humanity. My place in the world has always been the peacekeeper, the place to calm, bring reason, and a safe haven to discuss or discover.
We struggle to find the why in our lives or the why in the world. Our brains are wired to discover the reason or source when we don't understand something that doesn't align or compute with our beliefs. When there are gaps in our beliefs or stories, our brains fill those gaps with information from our past, such as past experiences or situations we've heard about.
Our whys don't always agree with other people's reasoning, beliefs, or actions, and we feel the vibration off-ness of those who are not like us—not like our emotions, beliefs, or actions—not like how we want to live—so we continue to ask why.
Listen as Laurie shares messages from the universe about processing the energy of this time where so many feel out of alignment.
Thanks for listening -
For questions or comments email Laurie at Laurie@yourlifecore.com
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I admit surprise, shock, disappointment, and disbelief at the election results. My schedule has been filled with people wanting to know why and what it all means - what it will mean for our futures, their futures, the globe, and the future of humanity. Panic. My place in the world has always been peace, calm, and being a safe haven. In corporate America, I was known for my calm during problem-solving or catastrophes – like water or fire in a data center or a goose hitting a power line, losing power in the summer heat, and needing to keep equipment cool. My years in software development where features and functions didn't work weren't what was expected to uprising and refusal to work what a company had decided for its employees. I've been yelled at, pushed, poked, and name-called by corporate bullies, but I've also had to sit across from someone telling me they are terminally ill or they've just lost a parent.
As a mom, I've had ill children and family emergencies, and I've depended on my inner fire and outer calm to navigate situations. I can think of a few times I've experienced a meltdown – but not in public or when others needed me. I've experienced many times where I feel I'm about to lose it, but I somehow maintain my composure, stand my ground, or find my words. I plug in. Many of you listening to me can find yourself in these words. Being the strong oak for the family or the voice of reason. Not responding when everyone IS responding or responding when NO one is saying anything. We are struggling with this now - say something or say nothing. Struggling with processing the whys.
We struggle to find the why in our lives—the why in the world. Our brains are wired to discover the reason or source when we don't understand something that doesn't align or compute with our beliefs. When there are gaps in our beliefs or stories, our brains fill those gaps with information from our past, such as past experiences or situations we've heard about.
This could be in a relationship break where the reason for the breakup doesn't align with one or the other. It can be a job you didn't get or a promotion that wasn't granted to you when you thought you were the best candidate, but someone else didn't share that same belief. Anytime we are out of alignment, it feels off because we work so hard to be in balance and in alignment with the universe. It takes less energy to be in alignment than it does to battle it.
Our whys don't always agree with other people's reasoning, beliefs, or actions, and we feel the vibration off-ness of those who are not like us—not like our emotions, beliefs, or actions—not like how we want to live—so we continue to ask why.
There will always be darkness and light in the world, and there will always be definitions of what dark and light are. For some now, they believe the dark IS light - and others believe the dark is dark - or that the light is dark.
There will never be a time when all believe in the same thing – but we learn how to exist in difference. How can we balance or be in our beliefs without trying to win or conquer another belief? That is harmony and figuring out how both can coexist.
In past lifetimes, we'd kill off what we don't believe in others – and through lifetimes, we are learning to not kill off but blend - perhaps take the better of both and meet in the middle. It doesn't feel like we are taking the best and meeting anywhere close to the middle.
People will see what they want to see – they will see and believe what they believe, and without change, they will continue to see what they believe – while also trying to convince others to see what they see. Somehow, we should make it right or make it appear that it is good for us. There is good not only in the love that we carry within us but also when we function from a place of love, carry, equality, and harmony. So how can light and dark coexist - It can't - there is always an up and always a down and the gray area between in the short moment of between – in the universe, it's a blink - because humanity is pushing to be right in one area, and you can only be right by proving the other wrong. The theory is that you can only do good when you find and squish the bad. But that isn't alignment either. This is a tough time when we really are trying to see the good in a bad situation.
I know the universe will continue to deliver nudges, pushes, shoves, and knock-downs to get humans to shift, so where are some in this process, and do all have to fall for those that don't see to see? These are questions I ask and what some of my clients are asking. When we all see good – when all definitions of good are equal…. And the answer is - they never will be the same.
Humanity's beauty and diversity is that we think, feel, and filter differently. We all have different motives and agreements and contracts we've come here to fulfill… We all have roles at this time on this planet to help the shift in some sort of way - that might be to hold the light until those who don't see the light can see the light…. Hold the beliefs of love, kindness, and equality until those who want to conquer and rise above others through the lies that they tell are done standing on others. It is the karma-dharma of the lifetimes of humanity. Everything in me is sad, but I still have a job to hold this space of love, light, and hope and maintain my energy without fear. I do not understand what others think they see or understand, so I have to ask myself - now what? What if? When, how, and of course why? I must go to my source and plugin when those answers don't come up. Plug into the source of peace, calm, love, and hope.
We are all still processing what's happened. We are processing what we believe and what others believe. We are in disbelief of what others believe to be accurate when what we believe to be true is so deeply true to us.
The morning of Nov 5, I woke very early to Jesus' words, gentle words in a calm voice- forgive them, they know not what they do - followed by a stronger, forceful yet loving tone - now plugin. I'd wake early the next few days to a message or a feeling. A knowing of familiarity that we've been here before, another time, another lifetime, another place. A time that we did not want to return, but there was work to be done yet. The wounds of our ancestors carried deeply within our cells, so rooted in us that it would be 7 future generations to entirely leave behind new wounds of today. A sadness of the work ahead, yet the small seed of hope planted that it would be different this time. It would have another outcome. No one is coming to save us or correct this situation – we have help, but the work is to be done by us and for us. I hear my father's words, and his father's words, and the men that came before them – their work, fighting, learning, struggling, yet here today to encourage us and let us know they walk with us – we do not walk alone. I ask what good could come from this. What am I not seeing? What am I blind to that I need to open my eyes to… what did I miss? And once again, I am reminded that there is more darkness because of the collapse of timelines.
The dark is in the light, and the light must be strong enough to cast a path forward. The light must remain strong when the dark can not see the light and does not believe in the light. There is so much hatred on the planet now, so much pain, fear - we are so far out of alignment that the world feels tipped. It feels as if we have gone backward to the memories of our past – restriction, inequality, slavery, poverty, scarcity, survival, competition, blindness. How can this be in the age of Aquarius, which is about collaboration, innovation, humanity, and consciousness? What has happened? What timeline is this? Why?
I cannot be blind to what I see or what I do know, and in the gaping holes of what I do not yet understand, I see the light. I trust that there is a path, guidance, and a plan that has been defined by those much smarter and elevated than my earthly presence. But I still mourn for what I saw to be a different path – a faster, easier path - but the humans have chosen a longer, harder path – perhaps that too is an old wound, and that is the only way we know how to travel – is to be in conflict and fight.
I struggled with this podcast and fought the push from spirit to share these messages – pushed by a force beyond that wants us to hear and understand we are watched, cared for, loved, and helped. We must remain firm and connected to the vibration of our internal light. Not all humans think as I do, nor do I think as all other humans. This is both our beauty and our demise - our ability to love so deeply with force and passion and at the same level of hate and destruction. We are diverse; we will learn – some at different paces and lifetimes than others as we will continue to be the teachers and the students through our life experiences.
Plug in - shine up - love - be real and be true Be calm - do what you do best. Be an anchor to your own peace, calm and love. We’ve been here before, and we’ll be here again, and each time we make a little more progress.
I close with a prayer to the great creator.
Great Creator, In this moment, we connect our hearts and our light in unity, seeking peace for our world. We ask for Your divine guidance to fill the hearts of all beings with love and compassion. May our differences dissolve and be replaced by understanding and kindness as we strive to coexist harmoniously. Grant us the wisdom to recognize the beauty in diversity, appreciating the unique gifts that every culture and individual brings. In timbe es of conflict, remind us to listen before speaking and seek collaboration instead of division. Let our actions reflect Your love, soothing the wounds of the weary and the despairing. We pray that those affected by violence and suffering may find solace and hope. May every community be embraced by the spirit of togetherness, nurturing joy and happiness in our shared journey. Please help us to become torchbearers of peace, illuminating the paths of those around us. Let our words be seeds of encouragement, our deeds a testament to our commitment to a better world. Let our light shine the pathway for those in the dark, looking for truth, tied by the lies they believe to be true. Together, we envision a future where love reigns supreme, transcending boundaries, and where every heart beats in rhythm with the promise of peace, equality, humanity, humility, consciousness, and divine love for all. May man's actions be done in the highest divine light that is beneficial, loving, and healing for all.